Pedestrian accidents can cause serious injuries. Unfortunately, South Carolina has one of the worst pedestrian safety records in the entire country. According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), South Carolina has the fifth-worst fatality rate in the country in 2022. Only New Mexico, Arizona, Louisiana, and…
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Motor Vehicle Accidents
What are the Main Causes of Highway Work Zone Crashes?
Highway safety matters. Safe, careful driving is especially important in work zones. According to data cited by the National Safety Council (NSC), 37,701 people were injured and 891 people were killed in highway work zone collisions in the United States in 2022 alone. These accidents can happen for a wide…
Do More Accidents Occur After the Sun Goes Down?
Nighttime driving is inherently hazardous. The data is clear: More motor vehicle collisions happen after the sun goes down. While far less driving happens at night, there are still many crashes. At Query Sautter & Associates, LLC, we have the skills and experience to handle all types of nighttime driving…
How to Prove Negligence in a Company Vehicle Accident
Were you involved in a crash in a company vehicle in Charleston or elsewhere in South Carolina? Whether you were in the company car, in another vehicle, or a pedestrian/cyclist, it is imperative that you know how to protect your rights. At Query Sautter & Associates, LLC, we handle car…
What are the Main Risks for Motorcycle Riders?
Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents happen. According to data provided by the South Carolina Department of Public Safety (SCDPS), there were 2,086 motorcycle crashes reported in the state in 2022. As riders are inherently exposed, a crash can lead to serious injuries. Defensive driving as a motorcyclist in South Carolina is a…
Most Dangerous Places to Drive in Charleston
A car crash can happen at any location and at any time. According to data provided by the South Carolina Department of Public Safety (SCDPS), more than 121,000 motor vehicle collisions were reported in 2022. All communities in our state are affected by crashes—Charleston is certainly no exception. Further, there…
What are the Most Common Types of Injuries from Auto Accidents?
Automobile accidents are a leading cause of injuries and fatalities worldwide. In 2022, 5.2 million people had to receive medical treatment following an auto accident, with over 46,000 people succumbing to their injuries. In this blog, our Charleston car accident attorneys discuss the most common types of injuries that you…
What are the Leading Causes of Roadway Auto Accidents?
A car accident can happen when you least expect it, resulting in serious injuries. In 2022, there was an injury collision every 15.4 minutes in South Carolina, resulting in a total of 2,130 serious injury collisions in the same year. Whether it be answering a text, racing to get to…
What Should I Do If a Driver Offers Me Cash After an Accident?
In 2022, The Palmetto State was home to 143,426 total traffic collisions, with 2,130 serious injury collisions taking place. If you have been in a car crash with another driver who readily admits fault, the motorist may try to offer you cash upfront. If someone does offer you cash, this…
What are Delayed Injuries You Could Experience from a Motorcycle Accident?
Lacking the protection of an enclosed vehicle, 82,687 motorcyclists experienced injuries in a recent year. Unfortunately, not all injuries are readily apparent, with symptoms only presenting hours or days following a crash. Known as a delayed injury, motorcyclists may be unaware that they are injured and not attempt to seek…
Should I Always Seek Medical Attention After an Accident
A short trip to the movies is rudely cut short when you are rear-ended. You suffer minor cuts and bruises but otherwise feel fine. You and the other driver exchange contact and insurance information, but neither of you bothers to call the police. Both of you get into your vehicles…
What if the Person Who Hits Me Does Not Have a Valid Driver's License
If you’ve been involved in a car accident that was caused by another motorist, it’s stressful enough. If, however, the other driver can’t produce a driver’s license when you engage in the post-accident exchange of contact information – which includes exchanging driver’s licenses and proof of insurance – it makes…
What Are My Rights if I Am Involved in an Accident with a Driver Who Was on Their Phone
Distracted drivers are a major concern on our roadways, and motorists who are more interested in their phones than in navigating the road safely put everyone at increased risk. If you’ve suffered an injury due to a driver who was on their phone at the time of the accident, you…
Most Dangerous Roads Highways and Intersections
South Carolina is a beautiful state with many scenic drives, but it also sees its fair share of traffic and dangerous traffic accidents. There are specific roads, highways, and intersections throughout the state that are particularly prone to serious accidents, and having a better understanding of where these hot spots…
Is Avoiding Car Maintenace a Sign of Negligence
Motorists accept an immense responsibility when they drive, and part of this responsibility includes exercising due care, which includes maintaining their vehicles in roadworthy condition. Car accidents are exceptionally dangerous, and the claims that follow are legally complex. If you’ve suffered an injury due to another driver’s negligence, an experienced…
Should I Report a Fender Bender to the Police
In the State of South Carolina, motorists are not required to report every minor accident on the road to the authorities – there is a protocol for car accidents that cause very little damage. It’s also important to keep in mind, however, that even fender benders can lead to considerable…
How Do I Report a Hit and Run Case I Witnessed
Witnessing a hit-and-run accident is stressful, and at that moment, you may have no idea how best to proceed. If this is the challenging position you are in, however, there are things you can do to help, and the person left by the side of the road is lucky you’re…
Can a Passenger Hold Blame for Causing an Accident
Passengers are not in control of the vehicle, but their actions and behaviors can significantly impact the driver’s ability to operate the car safely. In most cases, a passenger will not be held liable for causing a car accident. However, in unique circumstances, a passenger could be held responsible for…
What Happens If I Am Partially At Fault For an Accident
Being involved in an accident can be a traumatic experience and being found partially at fault for an accident can be particularly frustrating. Liability issues can have a significant impact on the outcome of a personal injury case, and it is essential to seek the assistance of a personal injury…
What can you do if you’re injured by a reckless driver?
You can’t prevent all accidents from happening, but there are times when drivers act without regard for the safety of other people. South Carolina law allows you to request compensation if a reckless driver has injured you. What is a reckless driver? Reckless drivers...
5 shoes people should never drive in
There are plenty of things to avoid doing behind the wheel, like eating, applying makeup or texting. However, a common driving hazard that often doesn't get discussed is the type of shoes people wear. According to a study from the Highway Traffic Safety...
Teens and dangerous driving
Teenagers may feel enthusiastic about receiving their driver's licenses and gaining the benefits of driving privileges. New drivers might face dangers on the road, and teen drivers could deal with risks that older drivers might not. Younger drivers should become aware...
How speeding increases your chance of serious car accidents
Even if you're a good driver, it's important to abide by speed limit signs because speeding increases your chance of car accidents. Serious injuries and death are also more likely to occur at higher speeds. When you are going over 25 mph over the speed limit in South...
Life after you’ve been injured by a reckless driver
South Carolina motorists understand the hazards of the daily commute. The busy roadways are littered with reckless drivers, and if you've been injured by one, the effects can be long-lasting. Hospital bills, lost wages and disability can result when a driver is being...
Tips for seeking medical help following a car crash
You may think that you're fine following a car accident, but injuries can creep up on you, developing slowly days or weeks after the incident. Everyone involved in a South Carolina motor vehicle accident should seek medical attention to screen for possible injuries....
Truck accident claims can be complex
Being involved in a truck accident in South Carolina can be a confusing experience. You may have received severe injuries as a result of your accident. Your own vehicle may have been damaged, and you may not be sure what your rights are. Why are truck accident claims...
Methods used to avoid distracted driving
It's inevitable that every driver in South Carolina gets distracted at some point. It is how a motorist deals with the problem that prevents a deadly accident. The following are the best techniques that are used to avoid getting too distracted while driving. Remove...