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Tips for back-to-school co-parenting

On Behalf of | Jul 19, 2023 | Family Law

As chidlren get ready to return to school, co-parents in South Carolina have additional matters they should settle to ensure that their children’s school year starts and continues on a successful path. Routines, finances and even communication are all factors that should be considered.

Establish routines that will work throughout the year

Children work well with routines, and establishing them for both households before returning to school can provide children with stability and support. This is an integral part of child custody as it is in the best interests of each child to live in stable, thriving environments. Some of the routines that can be established before school begins include:

  • Transportation matters including rides to and from school and extra-curricular activities
  • Homework and study times
  • Morning and bedtime routines, including time to wake up and sleep in both homes

Discuss upcoming expenses, set a budget and split the costs

Returning to school involves additional expenses in the form of clothing, supplies and extracurricular activities. Co-parents should sit down and discuss any upcoming expenses to have a realistic idea of how much they will need to spend, then set a budget that they can both contribute to equally. This can prevent any disagreements or confusion about the new school year.

Establish an open line of communication

Successful co-parenting is centered around positive and open communication. If you and your co-parent have already established this, you can continue to use these lines of communication. However, if you are struggling when it comes to communication, trying out other ways that might better fit your situation and needs is important as you begin preparing for your children to return to school.

Returning to school is always an exciting time for the children. You and your co-parent can support them and encourage them even more if you plan and are on the same page.