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The importance of an effective parenting plan

On Behalf of | Aug 22, 2022 | Family Law

South Carolina judges are serious about their advocacy for young children when parents decide to divorce. Children are often caught in the middle of a separation between the parents, and judges view their welfare as the ultimate priority when issuing a final ruling. Courts would historically issue complete custody and control to the mother in most situations, but the contemporary world is more focused on both the parental rights and children’s needs with respect to growing up in the best situation possible. What the children need comes first, and a well-crafted parenting plan will show this priority.

Legal rights

A divorce where there are dependent children involved means that the family relationship typically does not end, but rather that the dynamics of relationships change to some degree. There are assuredly cases where extenuating factors can be problematic, but most parenting plans will still ensure that each parent’s rights to a relationship with their child will be enforced. South Carolina family law judges prefer agreements that are feasible for the entire family, including being respective of the children’s rights to a relationship with a parent. There should always be a reasonable amount of time with each parent included.


Daily routines and personal schedules are important to every one, including dependent children who must attend school along with their extracurricular activities. The truth is that parenting plans are not necessarily flexible legal matters because they are court orders that must be followed. Any alterations in the agreement must be completed by returning to court or at least submitting a change proposal to the presiding family law judge.

Parenting plans are also better received by the court if the parents are amiable with each other when the case is finalized. Judges may not be receptive when dealing with parents who are in disagreement regarding details of a parenting plan.